Do you have any pay-per-view videos on DocumentaryStorm?
No, all videos on DocumentaryStorm are free to watch.
Do you upload all these documentaries yourselves?
No, we do not upload any of the documentaries ourselves – we merely find what is already uploaded to the internet. Each documentary is embedded from the public domain, from videohosts such as YouTube, Vimeo etc.. As such we do not have control over any of videos and ads they might contain.
I made this documentary, and want it removed from DocumentaryStorm.
All videos and documentaries featured on DocumentaryStorm are not hosted on our own servers or uploaded by us, but are embedded from a variety of video hosting servers including, but not limited to, YouTube, YouKu, Google Videos, etc.. These documentaries are publicly available, and we do not own or imply ownership of any of the documentaries featured – All documentaries are assumed to be either in the public domain or uploaded with the consent of their copyright owners.
Should any visitor have any copyright issues or questions regarding the documentaries featured, please contact the respective video host or those responsible for uploading it.
If you still feel it is inappropriate being posted on DocumentaryStorm, please contact us.
The video froze after (-) minutes! What do I do?
Re-load the page and forward the video to the part you reached. Please report the documentary if this error persists and we’ll take a look at it.
What does “An error occurred, please try again later” mean, and why does it happen? (YouTube)
Usually full documentaries are split into smaller parts due to the 15 minute upload limit on Youtube. To counter a long list of videos, we use playlists to display all parts into one video window. The error itself means the YouTube playlist hasn’t loaded correctly. Refresh the page, click the square TV symbol in the right corner of the video player and click the next part you reached.
What does “no embeddable videos are currently selected for this player” mean? (YouTube)
The YouTube videos we embedded have been deleted from YouTube. By clicking the “Report Problems with this Documentary” link near the title at the top of each post, we’ll get a notice about the dead link and change it to one which works.
The video stops every 10 seconds, what wrong with it?
Some videos have a tendency to load slow and needs some time to load. Press play, pause it, and wait for the video to have loaded sufficiently before you press play again.
This video is blocked! What do I do?
Filmmakers or TV networks which have blocked viewers from a specific country have done so because of either law and/or personal interest. Usually the documentary is still free to watch, just not through the copy embedded by DocumentaryStorm. If you report the link and tell us the video is blocked in your country and give us information as to which country you live in, we will try to find an alternative link. If we cannot find an alternative link to the documentary, and are aware the video is blocked in certain countries, we will write it above the video.
How does the rating system work?
DocumentaryStorm uses pumpkins to display how good the documentaries are. 1 pumpkin is the lowest score and 6 the highest. After voting, DocumentaryStorm’s rating system will average out the score of the documentary to what you and everyone else has voted.
I just wrote a comment with links to other websites. Why isn’t it showing up?
We use a spam filter to help ensure DocumentaryStorm isn’t flooded with adds. It picks up any comment which has links in it. These comments needs to be approved before they can be shown on the website.
Why are you mostly using YouTube when embedding and linking the documentaries?
YouTube has less ads than most video hosts and has less problems on most systems. We are aware of many other video hosts offering many documentaries, but in an effort to remove such things as pop-up ads, we use friendlier video hosts such as YouTube.
When do you add new documentaries?
Every Wednesday and Sunday. Additionally we will change one featured documentary each Monday. On certain occasions new documentaries may be posted out of schedule.
I got this amazing documentary… Can it be shown on DocumentaryStorm?
Please contact us and show your work, or what you have found, and we’ll take a look at it!