Drugs Documentaries

The Nature of Ayahuasca

It seems like the Western world has become captivated by ayahuasca, particularly in the last ten years or so. Ayahuasca is a traditional indigenous medicinal tea made from leaves of certain plants, which can have powerful psychedelic and entheogenic effects.

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I Was a Winner

Computer gaming addiction is real.  In this short film, three gamers share their personal experiences that led them to fall into this condition.

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A Portrait of the American Opioid Epidemic

A mother tells the painful story of her son’s short life. He was a happy young man with unlimited potential who made a few questionable decisions that led him down a dark pathway.

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One Nation, Overdosed

Imagine living a life that feels like hell every day. Well, that’s the reality a surprisingly high amount of Americans are facing.

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DMT: A Lost History

DMT is a molecule found in some plants and animal species, that when ingested can cause a profound hallucinogenic spiritual experience with God.

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Cannabis: A Lost History

After 75 years of prohibition, Colorado and Washington State legalized recreational marijuana in 2012. For hundreds of years Cannabis had been an integral part of human civilization.

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Truth in Media

Big Pharma, the FDA, and Medical Propaganda

Big Pharma exerts a powerful influence over the media, doctors, and all of us. They employ many tactics and strategies in order to keep making hundreds of millions of dollars by withholding valuable information from the public.

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Heroin’s Children: Inside The US Opioid Crisis

For the last few years the United States has been going through the worst drug crisis in its history. This is tearing families apart. 

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Narco-Song of Sinaloa

According to the CIA, the world’s most powerful drug syndicate can be found in Sinaloa, Mexico. After the Colombian cartels were overthrown in the early 1990s, Mexican gangs have gained control over the entire drug supply chain from the plantations all the way to the dealers on the street.

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The city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil has over 1,000 poor neighborhoods that are infested by drugs and violence. These places are like small cities and they are called favelas.

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The Darker Side of America’s Mental Health

People who are struggling with depression are usually willing to do whatever it takes to find some relief. Many people believe that pharmaceutical companies prey on this to be able to sell more medicine and hence make more money.

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Escobar’s Hitman

In the 1980s Medellin, Colombia was considered one of the most dangerous cities in Latin America. Pablo Escobar ran his drug cartel from this location and made millions of dollars yearly from drug trade and other illegal activities.

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Psychedelic Soldiers

Every veteran faces the risk of having to live with trauma for the rest of his or her life. Suicidal thoughts, anger, and fantasizing about killing are just a few of the dangers that often accompany post-traumatic stress.

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It was Chief Seattle that said, “the Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.

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Project Duterte

Law Enforcement or Mass Terror? The Philippines' War on Drugs

Over 12 million Filipinos live in extreme poverty, and many sell drugs to make a living. This caused crime rates to be at an all-time high.

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Chasing the Dragon

Each year more people die from drug overdose than from car accidents or gun violence. Approximately one in five high school seniors reports misusing prescription drugs at least once in their lifetime.

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Terence McKenna’s True Hallucinations

This film is an experimental documentary created by Peter Bergmann and narrated by Terence McKenna. In 1971, 23-year-old Terence McKenna, his 19-year-old brother Dennis, and three other companions, travelled to the Colombian mission town of La Chorrera, where they hoped to encounter the elusive psychedelic oo-koo-hé.

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Northwest Trees

On July 8th, 2014 Washington began offering the sale of recreational marijuana. A few months later in October of 2015, Oregon followed suit and began to offer the same service.

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High School:  An Exposé of Teenage Cannabis Use

This is a short documentary film produced by Ben Grayzel. It explores the frequency of marijuana use among Grover Cleveland High School students.

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Alternatives to Incarceration

We’re living at a time in which being homeless, being on drugs, or being mentally ill are crimes that can send you to prison.

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NARCO STATE: Inside Mexico’s Drug Cartels

The United States is the world’s largest consumer of illegal drugs. That insatiable appetite needs a supplier, and Mexico is more than happy to comply.

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The Mirror of the Spirit

This compelling documentary reaffirms the power of one of the world’s greatest traditional medicine, ayahuasca.  The film gathers an impressive cast of traditional practitioners, enthusiasts, and Western converts to reveal the essence of the ayahuasca experience.

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Afghan Overdose

Few people are aware of the fact that over 90% of the world’s black market opium is produced in Afghanistan. Most of that opium ends up in the international drug market and the profits are used to fund organized crime and terrorist groups like ISIS.

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Detox or Die

By 2003, filmmaker David Graham Scott had been addicted to heroin and opiates for 20 years. To free himself of this lifetime of addiction, he decides to try a ‘quick fix’ and take the unlicensed drug, Ibogaine, that had been known to set users free from their addictions after enduring 36 hours of horrendous hallucinations.

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