The search for truth led one man into the Amish community, and the end of that search led him back out.
Climate change has bought about a new perspective to the divide among American Christians. One meteorologist, Paul Douglas, noticed that something was different and so he started talking about climate change.
There’s a small village on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain called Mejorada del Campo. It’s mostly an unknown location except for one resident who has been building a cathedral there for over fifty years.
It was Chief Seattle that said, “the Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.
People are not reluctant to talk about the genocides in Darfur, Rwanda, Cambodia or the Holocaust. But when it comes to what took place in Turkey over 100 years ago, many take offense.
In India many women are married off at a very early age. There have been cases in which little girls that are still babies— only 5 or 6 years old— have been given to men that are much older than they are.
ISIS is the most brutal terrorist group in recent history. They murder, rape, pillage, enslave, and destroy, and it’s all done in the name of religion.
Charlie Morley taught himself to lucid dream at the age of 16. As an adult he began practicing Buddhism, then in 2008 he began teaching lucid dreaming.
Eu Maior (Higher Self) is a feature-length Brazilian documentary, with subtitles, that explores self-knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. The filmmakers interview thirty individuals with various backgrounds, including spiritual leaders, intellectuals, artists and professional athletes.
VICE is a documentary TV series that travels the world to uncover some of the most intriguing, often controversial, topics that often go uncovered by the mainstream media.
This documentary, filmed over a 10 year period, revolves around the life of Robert T. Edison, a Buddhist monk in Thailand, originally from Nottingham, England, that decides to revisit the “normal” world after practicing Buddhism and living in monasteries for over a decade.
Very often we are shocked by the magnitude of some of the problems we hear about on the news. Mostly the shock is produced by reports of environmental problems caused by our own greed and total disregard for our planet and the living things that share it with us.