A discovery of historic significance was made while searching for planets beyond our Solar System. It was a planet a little larger than Earth and it was seen orbiting a red dwarf star known as Proxima Centauri.
Billions of years ago, Venus may have had life-giving habitats similar to those that were once familiar on early Earth. Today, however, its surface is a fossil of volcanic destruction hiding beneath a dense toxic atmosphere.
Glyphosate was originally patented by Monsanto and branded as Roundup—a powerful weed killer. Today it’s the most widely used herbicide around the world.
There are some who see Mars as a frontier of freedom and prosperity—the next home for humans. But the true Mars is a failing world, harsh cold, bone dry, and with a toxic landscape.
This is a short documentary about some mothers who demand that all decisions made regarding the wellbeing of one’s children be completely based on scientific facts and not on popular trends.
Hundreds of years from now, few people will remember the names of famous celebrities, but everyone will remember the names of those four brave men and women who were the first to live on Mars.
There is a man-made island that is the size of two football fields in the Pechora Sea. It can accommodate 200 people and its known as the Prirazlomnaya Platform.
This documentary features original footage and interviews with various Disney legends and historians along with valuable archival material that are the property of The Walt Disney Company.
Nowadays it’s easy to come across somebody offering miracle cures and fake therapy. But when somebody comes around that can actually back up his claims, it’s time to set aside all preconceived notions and start learning.
Some of the most extraordinary discoveries in Science are explained by the work of one man— Albert Einstein. Even after 100 years of announcing his Theory of Gravity / General Relativity, Science continues to be moved by it.
This film tells the interesting story of how it came to be that the United States Government joined the space race and challenged NASA to embark on a mission to explore the moon.
This documentary by Jacques Grimault and Patrice Pooyard posts some disturbing questions and their unbelievable answers. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one that is still standing today.
Our Solar System has a mysterious zone that holds the clue to our origins. NASA has been trying since 2006 to gain access to this zone aboard the biggest rocket yet.
This two-part documentary film by Roxanne Meadows and Joel Holt explores the determinants of behavior to dispel the myths and prove that environment shapes human behavior.
In December 1972 two astronauts climbed into a small metal capsule and prepared to return to Earth. The Apollo 17 crew included the first scientist to set foot on the moon and the astronauts spent more than three days exploring.