A Walk to Beautiful

A Walk to Beautiful

53 minutes 7.59/10 based on 29 votes

A Walk to Beautiful is an award-winning feature documentary about five Ethiopian women reclaiming their dignity. Rejected by their husbands, having undergone horrifying childbirths, and alone, these women go on a walk and find true beauty.

The women suffer from obstetric fistula, a condition where a hole develops in the birth canal after a difficult labor, usually causing the baby to be stillborn but the woman also become incontinent, leaking fecal matter and urine uncontrollably. In the depths of Africa, these women have few options for a cure and are usually abandoned by their husbands and their fellow community. Many of these women decide to walk slowly, painfully, and united to Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital. The documentary starts in the villages of Ethiopia before hitting the road on this quest.

In Ethiopia, a full 1/3 of women who experience any sort of complication during childbirth die. The other 2/3 usually wish they had died, as well. This documentary still manages to be both cinematic and uplifting – despite the crushing subject matter and many obstacles along the way.

To learn more how you can help, watch the following informative video on obstetric fistula.

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7.59/10 (29 votes)

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