Brave New World with Stephen Hawking

Brave New World with Stephen Hawking

47 minutes 5.17/10 based on 6 votes


The team showcase breakthroughs in technology and engineering that are creating a new generation of machines. Mark Evans fuses his brain with a computer in Switzerland to test a new breed of machine.

Kathy Sykes hits the streets of San Francisco to have the ride of her life as she experiences the future of transport in a driverless car. In Italy Jim Alei-Khalili comes face to face with a remarkable, baby-like robot called iCub, which learns like a child.

Joy Reidenberg discovers the extraordinary exoskeleton that can make the paralysed walk and give one man the strength of three. In the Canary Islands Maggie Aderin-Pocock visits one of the world’s biggest telescopes, where they’re searching for new planets in the furthest reaches of the universe – planets that we could one day colonise.

Released 17 October 2011. 47 min. TV documentary series.

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5.17/10 (6 votes)

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