Religious Figures Documentaries

Madman of the Cathedral

There’s a small village on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain called Mejorada del Campo. It’s mostly an unknown location except for one resident who has been building a cathedral there for over fifty years.

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The Buddha

The Story of Siddhartha

In this documentary, directed by filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, we learn the Buddha’s story. The story starts 2500 years ago in India where there lived a sage whose story inspired the world’s fourth largest religion.

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KONY 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous

Kony 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous has been released. DocumentaryStorm is the first to bring you the official response from the creators of the documentary and campaign.

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Gandhi’s Children

Gandhi’s Children is not a documentary about Gandhi’s next of kin. It is a documentary about his legacy: on India. It is a documentary about where the children of India find themselves today: many decades after Gandhi’s assassination.

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