What Difference Does It Make?

What Difference Does It Make?

95 minutes 8.38/10 based on 8 votes

“What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music” is a documentary that was created by Red Bull Music Academy in order to celebrate its 15th anniversary. The film explores the challenges that a life in the music industry can bring. It also explores the many stages of development of a musician and the triumphs he or she experiences. Ultimately the film seeks to go beyond music and ask questions regarding life itself.

It might be true that everyone is a musician and everyone has an innate appreciation of music. There might be very few people alive who don’t enjoy listening to good music. In fact, music has been defined as our greatest language. One man describes making music as making love to the ears.

But when it comes to making it in the music industry, you need to be willing to be nobody before you can become somebody. Most people seek some type of immediate fame or recognition and this leads many to believe that simply posing as an artist is enough. People with that mentality hardly ever make it big. Every artist needs to want to make the best out of every single recording. If they don’t want that, they shouldn’t be making music. Hence, it’s not about making an album for financial gain or in order to impress an audience; it’s about making music because you feel passionate about making music.

At Red Bull Music Academy the goal is to create a diverse, open musical environment. Enthusiasts of all genres as encouraged to apply because music cannot be defined based solely on the opinions of one group of people.

With a diverse cast that includes music experts and legends such as Van Dyke Parks, Erykah Badu, Love Cult, Shit Robot, James Murphy, and many others, this film brings to life a process that may not always be easy and glamorous.  Watch it now to find out more.

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