Caine’s Arcade
This documentary is guaranteed to make you smile or your money back! In this time of a tough economy, it’s inspiring to see the next generation of entrepreneurs starting to emerge from the shadows. Caine’s Arcade is the true story of Cain Monroy, a 9 year old boy who has built his own arcade out of cardboard. Caine Monroy lives in a working class area of Los Angeles. His father has a used auto parts store. It’s not the safest area of LA and the auto parts store does most of its business online. In 2011, Caine spent his summer days in his dad”s store. At first, he busied himself by helping with the inventory. Soon, he started using the empty boxes to build an arcade game. After awhile, his arcade took up most of the lobby. Caine made himself a shirt, worked out a system for keeping track of tickets, and continued to build his arcade. He devised a crane. He devised a point system and prizes to be won.
The only problem? Nobody really came to the store. Finally, Caine got his first customer. It would change his summer plans forever.
Here is what the producer had to say:
“We posted the film with an initial goal of raising a $25,000 scholarship fund for Caine to help with his education. The first day the film was posted, over $60,000 was raised. A week later, we received a matching dollar-for-dollar seed funding grant of $250,000 from the Goldhirsh Foundation to help start the Caine’s Arcade Foundation to help more innovative kids.
If you would like to help, visit this link today.
This is the most amazing thing that I’ve seen all day. You’re right!!!!
Look at his face. That’s pure joy. Kind of like my face while watching this.
Havent shed this many tears in.. Well, ever.. Fantastic!
wow inspiring very cute ….. what a kid …i want to play now :) best of luck caine i know you will do well in life bud yer awesome
Excellent point. It also reminds me of the recent Obama ‘documentary’:
But in the case of an independent filmmaker trying to raise money for this boy’s college tuition – and those of other inner city youth – well, isn’t that ‘society’ at its best?
KONY is a bad example to bring in on this one I think. KONY does plenty of things wrong that we don’t need to discuss as most people have already picked up on it. The donation idea here wasn’t rammed down my throat like others, just a simple donate at the end. If it wasn’t there, then this would have just been entertainment, and I feel documentaries are trying to be is more than just that. There is a lot of depth to this documentary not worth discussing, to me it was a sweet story of a creative imagination.
It’s just a split second at the very end. There is nothing wrong with that. If I had a son that had his creativity become well known on the internet, I’d do the same thing to help his college fund. I think it’s great!
watched this one a while ago but didn’t comment on how much i enjoyed it and am so glad Mullick and team saw the potential and beauty in that…and to see that education funding was raised for Cain as a result. and such a feel-good story! (
Love to see kids use their imaginations and minds!!!
I absolutely loved this! What a thoughtful story that made Caine so incredibly proud and happy! The filmmaker really seized the opportunity to make this beautiful film and change this boy’s life.