From the beginning of this world’s history, humans have had a somewhat cruel dominion over other living creatures. The excuse has always been that animals do not have a soul, but in the words of M.
The human race depends on pollination. If you lose pollination then you lose plants and eventually you lose people. Scientists in North America have been trying to figure out why the population of honeybees has been declining and many of them concluded that it was probably due to climate change.
There is a lot of unnecessary suffering going on all around. Alexis has decided to make a difference, however small. Having been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, she knows what it’s like to feel afraid of dying.
Over time as we mature, our beliefs change. This is exactly what happened to Jay Wilde. He grew up on a farm and played with cows for as long as he could remember.
In 2006, Andrew Miners’ vision was to build an eco-resort and center for marine conservation in West Papua, Indonesia. This place holds the world’s most bio diverse marine habitat.
Many years ago when there were no humans, there were great apes, very similar to the ones we know today. New research is underway to uncover and understand the unique regional behaviors of wild orangutans.
Isaac is a giant pouched rat that saves human lives. He was born in a special training center in Tanzania called APOPO, which stands for development of landmine detection equipment.
About a hundred years ago there were close to one million rhinos living in South Africa. These days their amounts have dwindled to about 20,000 white rhinos, 4,000 black rhinos, and only three northern white rhinos The population just keeps shrinking.
A man steps out of a jeep somewhere near Pretoria, South Africa. He calls out a name and within seconds two large female lions trot towards him and throw their full weight against his body.
Endangered species don’t have to become extinct if they receive good care. For instance, mother pandas can only rear one child at a time, yet they usually give birth to two.
India is home to many endangered species. Large mammals such as the Bengal tiger and the Asian elephant share the subcontinent with over a billion people.
On February 6, 2012 A & L Poultry egg farm workers abandoned 50,000 hens in wire cages without food. They simply walked off the compound and left the hens there to starve to death.
Bill Mason— a lover and defender of wildlife, directed this film by the National Film Board of Canada.
Very few people can honestly say that they have ever heard the howl of the wolf echoing across the Northern Lake.
Malaysia is home to some of the most dangerous and treacherous jungles on the planet. These jungles are home to an impressive diversity of living things.
Borneo is the third largest island in the world and it contains the oldest rainforest on earth. It’s home to many species that can’t be found anywhere else.