This film by Steve Cowan explores what it takes to stay in a political office and the impact that money has on the elected leaders.
Only the lower classes that have dared to speak out against the injustices of the ruling class have experienced brutality in the name of law enforcement.
It was a long and bitter race that lasted months and cost at least $2.5 billion dollars. This documentary takes you on a tour of the US 2012 presidential campaign, from the high and low moments, to the Spin Room, to the noisy campaign ads that blanketed the swing states.
The constant war in Israel/Palestine breaks my heart. I have my own opinions, but rather than take sides and get caught up in a debate that seems to have no end in sight: I will take this opportunity to present a documentary that has one goal in mind: PEACE.
The Road We Traveled is an OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY put out by President Barack Obama to help get himself re-elected. As such, this documentary has a serious agenda and begs the question: propaganda or inspired truth?