Gang War: Bangin’ in Little Rock

Gang War: Bangin’ in Little Rock

61 minutes 7.78/10 based on 40 votes

Back in 1994 Little Rock was one of the most dangerous cities in the US. Sitting at the intersection of two major interstates from Los Angeles and New York, it had become a haven for drug trafficking. There were prominent gang presences of Bloods, Crips and Hoover’s Folk Nation.

The documentary brought much attention to the problems in the city; the Little Rock Police force was quadrupled. As a result, the street gang problem was nearly eradicated.

While gang presence did decrease in the middle 90s, there is current evidence that local youth are once again beginning to identify with street gangs and drug dealers, such as BOSS, Bogard, and Hoe Hop gangs. Many intervention and prevention programs were not funded causing an increase once again in violence among youth.

Steve Nawojczyk who was the county coroner during the Gang War years, and was featured in the documentary, continues to work in the intervention and prevention of youth gangs. While Gang War: Bangin’ in Little Rock followed Nawojczyk while he did his grim work as the county’s chief coroner, it also showed his attempts at reducing the record-high homicide rate in Arkansas’ capital city.

Gang War 2: Back in the Hood, the 10-year follow up after the original is available too.

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7.78/10 (40 votes)

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