This is the highly anticipated documentary from director Robert Greenwald investiagates the impact of the U.S. Drone Wars, at home and abroad.
anOther Story Of Progress is a Do-It-Yourself documentary based on the anarcho-primitivist idea that humanity took a wrong turn with domestication and agriculture, leading to the chaotic situation of today with rampant environmental destruction and suffering.
Following the popular documentary about “The Power Principle,” we bring you RISE LIKE LIONS: a documentary from the same organization that looks at the Occupy Movement of 2011 and 2012.
The Road We Traveled is an OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY put out by President Barack Obama to help get himself re-elected. As such, this documentary has a serious agenda and begs the question: propaganda or inspired truth?
This documentary shares three dramatic stories that highlight how one split second decision can change a person’s entire life. Ben Hayes decided to attend a party at the last minute.
This is a documentary about how the US government mistreats, persecutes, and intimidates hackers and activists. Directed by Vivien Lesnik Weisman, this movie includes interviews by a plethora of hackers, writers, journalists, and activists.
After Libya, will Syria be the next Arab dictatorship to fall to people power? For months, a popular uprising has been fighting an unseen and bloody battle against the Syrian regime.
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