In 1994 the Zapatista national liberation army rose up against the Mexican government in an attempt to reclaim indigenous lands. The Mexican army and paramilitaries launched an offensive against indigenous groups that had sided with the Zapatistas.
Burkina Faso is a small, landlocked country in West Africa. French colonialists previously called it Upper Volta, but in 1983 when Thomas Tankara took power, he renamed the country.
It was only until 1997 that the former British colony of Hong Kong was handed back to the People’s Republic of China.
At the end of World War II a new country emerged. The world would come to know it as North Korea.
Chongqing is a metropolis that lies deep in the Chinese heartland, along the Yangtze River. This place has been an inspiration to poets for years, but now things are changing radically and instead of being known as the Mountain City, Chongqing has become Trap City.
The slow down in economic activity has increased dissatisfaction toward government institutions while germinating extreme political movements around the world. To make matters worse, scientists are predicting that global warming will produce a mass extinction of life on Earth.
West Papua lies 250 Km north of Australia. For over 45 years the people who live there have been fighting against the Indonesian military.
There’s a 16 year old girl at the heart of Hong Kong’s democracy movement. She wears a white surgical mask and is known only as The Chalk Girl.
This is a documentary about how the US government mistreats, persecutes, and intimidates hackers and activists. Directed by Vivien Lesnik Weisman, this movie includes interviews by a plethora of hackers, writers, journalists, and activists.
Portrait photography has a way of humanizing even the most distant situations. And so with this goal in mind, this young photographer and filmmaker set out on a mission that would be completely self-funded and independent.
The world’s last remaining rivers are in danger of disappearing along with the millions of lives and cultures that depend on them.
In Greek Mythology there’s a character called Procrustes who had the habit of cutting off the legs, arms, and heads of his guests if they were too tall or stretching those who were too short to get them to fit into his bed.
Directed by Simon Klose TPB AFK (The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard) begins the day prior to the trial of the co-founders of the world’s largest file sharing site, The Pirate Bay.
Following the popular documentary about “The Power Principle,” we bring you RISE LIKE LIONS: a documentary from the same organization that looks at the Occupy Movement of 2011 and 2012.
Reporter Ramita Navai goes undercover for a rare look at the uprising from inside Syria. This documentary also shows a profile of the dictator who has managed to hold on longer than any amidst the Arab unrest—President Bashar al-Assad.
After Libya, will Syria be the next Arab dictatorship to fall to people power? For months, a popular uprising has been fighting an unseen and bloody battle against the Syrian regime.
Having ruled Egypt for 30 years, Hosni Mubarak is now 83 years old. Mubarak, then vice-president, was the only candidate to succeed Anwar al-Sadat after the then Egyptian president was assasinated in 1981.
Bougainville Island, with a populations of only 160,000, used to be home to one of the largest mines on Earth. In an act of heroic resistance, the people of Bougainville rose up in an environmental revolt and managed to have the mine shut down and kept shut.