The Nature of Ayahuasca
It seems like the Western world has become captivated by ayahuasca, particularly in the last ten years or so. Ayahuasca is a traditional indigenous medicinal tea made from leaves of certain plants, which can have powerful psychedelic and entheogenic effects.
It first originated in the Amazon and is known to heal psychological, emotional, and spiritual conditions, some of which are not treated effectively by Western medicine. An example of this is depression and anxiety. Some people who are treated with Ayahuasca report that they do not go back to the debilitating feelings and are able to experience permanent relief. There are also accounts of remission for cancer and other major diseases after being treated with Ayahuasca.
Working with Ayahuasca is a process, not an event. In many indigenous Amazonian cultures, it’s thought to have feminine or maternal qualities. The very nature of Ayahuasca is to bring up issues that people tend to avoid dealing with so that they can be confronted, addressed, and resolved in the conscious mind. Once the person is willing to allow the process to run its course he or she will reap huge benefits.
The most popular myth about Ayahuasca is that the only thing you need to do to become a better person is to drink Ayahuasca. Needless to say, that is a gross oversimplification. Those who lack the intention or desire to change themselves can take Ayahuasca and still go back to the life they had before.
There are risks involved in working with this sacred plant. It induces a light state of hypnosis or suggestibility and the person administering the brew could take advantage of this. One needs to be guided by someone of integrity and skill.
A group of people traveled to Peru to spend time at the Spiritquest Sanctuary directed by Howard Lawler, a Kentucky native. Their objective on this trip is to find healing or relief from different ailments. Were they able to accomplish their goals?