Beer Culture
The trend in the United States is that people are still drinking a whole lot of beer. The good news is that many are discovering that there are other options available besides what is regularly advertised on television. People are now becoming more aware of small breweries as society moves towards a health-conscious lifestyle. This tendency is helping craft breweries sell their products. Whether it’s developing recipes, combining flavors, or tweaking a beer to get it exactly how you want it, brewery is an art form. The relationship that small brewers have developed with their customers is a very special one and, in the end, isn’t that what everybody’s seeking?
Colorado has the highest amount of breweries per capita in the entire nation and produces more barrels of beer than any other state. But what is it that makes this state such a perfect place for brewing beer? The answer can be found in the rich culture and history of the people who left their homes to relocate to Colorado. The brewery traditions that are centuries old continue to be passed on.
At a time when it seems like nobody makes anything anymore, craft beer is turning the tide in a significant way. This type of brewing has long been on the forefront of entrepreneurship and many have been able to realize their version of the American Dream through this activity. There’s a lot of struggle, effort, and fun along the way to being able to create a good beer, though, because every beer has a personality.
Listen to the stories of the men and women from Left Hand Brewing Company, Upslope Brewing Co., Oskar Blues, Wynkoop Brewing Company, Eddyline Pub and Brewery, among others, who set out to build their own brewery; some during very trying times. There were moments when it was easy to become discouraged, but they all stuck it out.
Beer Culture is a film that was written and directed by Thomas Kolicko, which tells the amazing story about the rich culture among beer drinkers. People with no money, no previous business know-how, and no impressive education have built incredible successes just by holding on to a great idea, not being afraid of some hard work, and developing the skills to get people working together. Watch this documentary now.