Conspiracy Documentaries

The Angry Brigade

Between 1970 and 1972 the Angry Brigade used guns and bombs in a series of symbolic attacks against property. A series of communiqués accompanied the actions, explaining the choice of targets and the Angry Brigade philosophy: autonomous organization and attacks on property alongside other forms of militant working class action.

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Riddle of the Skies

Episode 1: Is There Anybody Out There? This documentary series sets out to examine the evidence (physical or otherwise) for the existence of UFO’s.

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The Amityville Horror: The Real Story

On 13 November 1974, police discovered six members of the De Feo family shot dead; the father, mother and four of the five children, at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York.

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Who Built Stonehenge?

Stonehenge, located on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England, has long been associated with Druids, a group of wise men present in England more than 2000 years ago.

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Interview with a Poltergeist

A Documentary examining the details, and people involved in the (in)famous “Enfield Poltergeist” case from the 1970s. It includes interviews with Maurice Grosse, one of the main investigators, and even of Janet, the young girl (at the time) that the activity seemed to focus on.

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The Real Da Vinci Code

With intellectual rigor and a hint of impish humor noted British actor and commentator Tony Robinson follows the trail laid down by Dan Brown in The Da Vinci Code and undertakes his own quest for the Holy Grail.

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon

Sibrel believes that there were numerous insurmountable scientific and technical problems which made it improbable that men could land on the moon and return to Earth safely.

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Evolution is a term to define only one organism and that’s the self. The self is the universe, the self is the alpha and omega, god, and infinity, and that’s the only thing that evolves because we are all part of the self.

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Nazi Prophecies

Some say that the rise of Nazi Germany was foretold in prophecies that began in biblical times and continued for centuries until the emergence of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

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The Legend of Bigfoot

This episode examines the controversial 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film and features interviews with various bigfoot researchers and believers. Purported evidence and hoaxes are examined in this in-depth look at the legendary creature.

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The Antichrist

The Antichrist takes a harrowing look at an evil so obscure that he answers only to Satan. Follow the emergence of the Antichrist from pre-Judaic texts, through the Book of Daniel and Revelation, into Christian writings of the Middle Ages, and beyond.

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Kill The Messenger

Sibel Edmonds, a 32-year-old Turkish-American, was hired as a translator by the FBI shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 because of her knowledge of Middle Eastern languages.

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New Swirled Order

In the last 30 years, over 10,000 Crop Circles have been reported. Explanations vary with some believing that they are alien-made, while others believe there are always human pranksters that are responsible.

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