Muhammad Ali: The Greatest

Muhammad Ali: The Greatest

52 minutes 5.57/10 based on 7 votes

Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. You better watch out because he’s Muhammad Ali. A full-length documentary about the self appointed “greatest.”

From his stunning victory against Sunny Liston, to his conversion to Islam, his fraternizing with the Beatles, to his draft dodging,  to his legendary tongue and mighty hands – Muhammad Ali is a three-time heavyweight champion of the world.  Directed by William Klein, he  interweaves fight sequences with the boxer’s life story and the political events and issues of the day. He doesn’t shy away from reporting on the brutality of the sport and documents the toll it has taken on its many stars.

One thing that you don’t do: mispronounce Ali’s name.

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5.57/10 (7 votes)

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