Star Wars Begins
This final chapter of filmmaker Jamie Benning’s trilogy focuses on the first Star Wars film that was released in 1977. Star Wars Begins is an unofficial behind-the–scenes analysis of the creation of this classic movie from its conception until it hit movie theaters. This documentary features the deleted scenes, the alternate takes, the bloopers, the original on set audio recordings, and a huge amount of commentary and little-known additional information shared by both the cast and the crew.
What makes this documentary fascinating is that not only is it feature-length but it also follows the flow of the original movie itself. This means that the deleted scenes have been added right where they would have been, while the reasons for not including said scenes are amply explained. Also, the comments made by the cast and crew are voiced over the action they’re describing. Overall, it is much more captivating than simply watching a DVD commentary track. The abundance of additional material and little-known facts this film contains makes it well worth the viewer’s while.
Filming in a dessert in Africa was no easy feat and hardly enjoyable at all. However, everybody made the best of it. In spite of the many setbacks, the film received much acclaim for being technologically ahead of its time in many ways, for instance in the scene with the hologram.
If you’ve never seen the deleted scenes of Jabba the Hutt or Biggs Darklighter on Tatooine, or if you never heard David Prowse’s voice actually saying Darth Vader’s dialogue, then you’ll be definitely impressed by this. Many have said that it’s like watching your favorite movie but from an entirely different perspective.
It’s obvious that Jamie Benning invested a lot of time and effort into creating this film so that the viewer may be able to get the full ‘Star Wars’ experience through watching it.
Nobody could have predicted how popular Star Wars would become and the cultural impact it would have for decades. Some say it’s due to the great story telling because after all, everybody loves when the underdog beats the odds and comes out on top. Others believe it’s because of the relatable characters and the cool effects. No matter what it is that draws you, the truth is that young and old love Star Wars and if you’re a fan, you’re going to enjoy this documentary. Watch it now.