This feature documentary explores the daily struggles faced by individuals living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The general population still grossly misunderstands this anxiety disorder.
People who are struggling with depression are usually willing to do whatever it takes to find some relief. Many people believe that pharmaceutical companies prey on this to be able to sell more medicine and hence make more money.
A is for Autism takes a warm look at the world of autistic youngsters and adults, using their drawings, live footage and commentary in a fashion that enthralls as well as educates.
There is a clear connection between teen depression and social media. In fact, the teen suicide rate has gone up in the last two or three decades.
This full-length documentary brings to the light a situation that remains virtually unknown to many Americans, and it’s the fact that for the first time in almost ten years, homelessness is on the rise.
You might have seen Randy rolling on the sidewalk and drooling. The stench of his body might have caused you to cross the street.
This film presents the painful reality of those who have to struggle with mental disease every day. Most of the times medications have little to no effect and the patients are left hanging on to sanity by the fingernails.
In 2010 people from all around the world were asked to film their lives and answer a few questions. The result was an interesting film that gave us a deeper insight into how people in other countries can be so different and yet so similar.
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