Trapped in Transition

Trapped in Transition

Displaced People of the Middle East

15 minutes 2015 9.80/10 based on 5 votes

This is a film that captures the lives of Syrian refugees as seen through the eyes of the workers of the Oasis Program. This is an NGO in Lebanon that aids the refugees with care packages, education, and other services. Although Lebanon is a small country, about 1 million Syrian refugees now live there. They make up almost a third of the country’s entire population. Most of them have nothing to call their own. The goal of this documentary is to move past the statistics and give a real life view of the displaced people of the Middle East.

The stories are heartbreaking, yet common among them. They were awakened by the sound of bullets and bombs in the middle of the night and they ran out in their pajamas, leaving behind everything they owned. As they left, they were well aware that the rebels would destroy everything and if they ever made it back, they had nothing there waiting for them.

Some tell of being forced to witness executions and beheading. The gory memories still haunt them. They not only have to deal with dark memories, they also have to face the fact that they are being rejected because the Lebanese people are annoyed at them. Children can’t even go out to play because they run the risk of neighbors shouting at them and being verbally abusive.

These refugees have not only lost material possessions, some of them also lost members of their families and other loved ones. Now they exist in the painful reality of uncertainty. This comes from not knowing what their future will look like. Watch this documentary now.

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9.80/10 (5 votes)

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