Around the World For Free

Around the World For Free

12 minutes 4.71/10 based on 7 votes

Imagine travelling around the world with only a backpack. No access to your bank accounts, no special funding, but instead relying solely on the kindness of strangers. For Alex Boylan this was a reality.  11 minutes long. This documentary series is an online reality series exploring whether a person can travel around the world without any money.

The first season features Alex Boylan (the series creator), Zsolt Luka and Burton Roberts as they begin their travels in midtown Manhattan at the CBS Early Show on September 18, 2007. On the same program the three arrive back in New York on February 23, 2008. Around the World features the trio traveling through 16 countries including, Kenya, Puerto Rica, Dominica, Chile and Thailand, to name a few. 45,000 miles were logged during their 159 day adventure.

The first season of the series was featured on the Internet via approximately 155 webisodes. During their journey the trio filmed over 250 hours of high-definition video. Their project was eventually sold to WGN America. With the use of social networking this unique documentary proves the kindness of strangers still exists. It also showcases the power of social media, as it is used to assist in their travels.

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4.71/10 (7 votes)

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2 responses to “Around the World For Free”

  1. Katrina Martinez says:

     Yep been there done that…I
    was a high desert mtn girl went to learn to survive in the forest of
    Hawaiʻi…modern yet but roots culture ♥

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