Economics Documentaries

Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It

We spend much of our lives chasing money to make a living and accomplish our dreams, but at the same time, it can be an instrument of destruction because it drives many to steal, lie, cheat, and even murder.

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The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire

The British Empire was the largest empire the world has ever known and the city of London was the world’s biggest global financial center.

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The Third Industrial Revolution

A Radical New Sharing Economy

The slow down in economic activity has increased dissatisfaction toward government institutions while germinating extreme political movements around the world. To make matters worse, scientists are predicting that global warming will produce a mass extinction of life on Earth.

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The Bitcoin Gospel

It’s easy to forget that governments and banks control money creation. But not everybody is walking around with blinders on, however.

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The Blockchain and Us

The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. When they flew it for the first time nobody could have predicted that one day there would be over 500,000 people travelling by air at any given moment in time.

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97% Owned

Why Money Really Rules The World

This film presents serious research that answers some really important questions about our financial system. It attempts to provide well-investigated answers and tackle this issue from a UK perspective.

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Death by China

One Lost Job at a Time

In 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization with the support of a Democratic US president and a Congress that was controlled by Republicans.

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How to Win the Loser’s Game

Investing has been described for many years as ‘The Loser’s Game’. In a sense it is, but this documentary featuring Robin Powell promises to show you how to win at this game.

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Bilderberg’$ Club

This film, by Queralt Antu, explores the truth about Bilderberg’s club. David Rockefeller and Price Bernhard of the Netherlands founded this club in 1954.

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War By Other Means

In 1985 ‘Live Aid’ became a symbol of concern and generosity, but a little known fact is that during that year the hungriest countries in Africa gave twice as much money to developed nations than what they received from them.

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Princes of the Yen

Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy

It’s a little known fact that central banks have the power to create economical, political, and social change. For instance, this film explores how Japanese society was transformed to comply with the needs and desires of a powerful group.

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Park Avenue

Money, Power, and the American Dream

There is one stretch of Park Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan that is the wealthiest neighborhood in New York City.

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The Venus Project: Future By Design

In August of 1974, Dr. Jacque Fresco was a guest on The Larry King Show. Dr. Fresco was then introduced as a social engineer, industrial engineer, designer, inventor, consultant, and copywriter, among numerous other titles.

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Spent: Looking for Change

Spent: Looking for Change, a documentary film that was created by a collaboration between American Express and Academy Award-winning filmmaker Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth, Waiting for “Superman”), tells the stories about everyday hardworking Americans that are struggling with basic financial challenges.

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Greece on the Brink

In Greek Mythology there’s a character called Procrustes who had the habit of cutting off the legs, arms, and heads of his guests if they were too tall or stretching those who were too short to get them to fit into his bed.

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Not Business As Usual

This film, titled “Not Business As Usual,” takes a provocative look at capitalism and the price of success. According to Jay Coen Gilbert, co-founder of B Lab, twentieth century capitalism has one rule in its operating system which is that the purpose of the corporation is to maximize shareholder value exclusively, even if that means that there are significant unintended consequences.

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Has God Forsaken Africa?

In this thought-provoking 2008 documentary, Senegal-born director Musa Dieng Kala returns to the working-class town where he grew up in the capital city of Dakar.

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When Bankers Were Good

Ian Hislop presents an entertaining and provocative film about the colourful Victorian financiers whose spectacular philanthropy shows that banking wasn’t always associated with greed or self-serving financial recklessness.

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I.O.U.S.A. boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens. Burdened with an ever-expanding government and military, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and debts to foreign countries that are becoming impossible to honor, America must mend its spendthrift ways or face an economic disaster of epic proportions.

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Our Own Private Bin Laden

A film about understanding the creation of the Osama bin Laden as a phenomenon of the interplay between history, politics, global economics and the media.

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Michael Ruppert is an independent journalist who has made a minor career out of telling people news that most folks do not want to know.

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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which presents a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.

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The Ascent of Money

Niall Ferguson makes a strong, compelling case for the development of money and banking as a catalyst for the advancement of civilization.

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Daylight Robbery

This documentary investigates claims that as much as $23bn (£11.75bn) may have been lost, stolen or not properly accounted for in Iraq.

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