Science Documentaries

Why Reading Matters

Science writer Rita Carter tells the story of how modern neuroscience has revealed that reading, something most of us take for granted, unlocks remarkable powers.

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Hubble: 15 Years of Discovery

Hubble images come to vast, interactive life in this IMAX movie, “Hubble,” that takes audiences through the telescope’s history and puts them in orbit with astronauts during the latest servicing mission.

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The Space Shuttle

An idea born in unsettled times becomes a feat of engineering excellence. The most complex machine ever built to bring humans to and from space and eventually construct the next stop on the road to space exploration.

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NASA Space Shuttle: Best of Launches

Imagery rarely seen by the public which highlights space shuttle launches from 1981-2010. Set to certain relaxing music, this special video was produced by NASA engineers at the Glenn Research Center.

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What is Reality?

There is a strange and mysterious world that surrounds us, a world largely hidden from our senses. The quest to explain the true nature of reality is one of the great scientific detective stories.

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The Strange New World of Nanoscience

Where and what is nano? How will it shape our future? Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale.

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Obsessed and Scientific

This fascinating short documentary explores the real-life theories behind the science of time travel. Traveling through time is a concept that is so highly intriguing that there a subculture of people that are obsessed with the very possibility.

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In Its Image

In the mid 70s, Steve Thaler began toying with rudimentary artificial neural networks. Soon after, he began to experiment with colonies of neural networks that launched into brainstorming sessions with one another to produce the equivalent of stream of consciousness and contemplation.

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Nano: The Next Dimension

Nanosciences and nanotechnologies represent a formidable challenge for the research community and industry. World-class infrastructure, new fundamental knowledge, novel equipment for characterisation and manufacturing, multi-disciplinary education and training for innovative and creative engineering, and a responsible attitude to societal demands are required.

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Stephen Hawking: Master of the Universe

A voyage through space and time with Professor Stephen Hawking. The series charts Professor Hawking’s quest for a ‘Theory of Everything’.

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Cosmic Energy: Cold Sparks to Black Holes

What’s the hottest place in the universe? What’s it like inside a Black Hole? This video climbs the power scales of the universe, from the coldest and bleakest reaches of our galaxy on out to the hottest and most violent places known.

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Life and Death of a Star

Each of us, in the immortal words of the American poet Walt Whitman, “…are the journeywork of the stars, no less than the leaves of grass.”

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Do You Want to Live Forever?

Radical ideas of a Cambridge biomedical gerontologist called Aubrey de Grey who believes that, within the next 20-30 years, we could extend life indefinitely by addressing seven major factors in the aging process.

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Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial

In 2004, the Dover school board ordered science teachers to read a statement to high school biology students suggesting that there is an alternative to Darwin’s theory of evolution called intelligent design – the idea that life is too complex to have evolved naturally and therefore must have been designed by an intelligent agent.

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