Crackheads Gone Wild

Crackheads Gone Wild

65 minutes 6.55/10 based on 42 votes

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6.55/10 (42 votes)

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17 responses to “Crackheads Gone Wild”

  1. Weini says:

    What is the purpose of this documentary?? Just a man with a camera laughing at tragic people and filming them making fools of themselves

    • graspee says:

      Yeah because bum fights got old.

      • L Ron Fucktard says:

        As soon as I read the title I thought, “this is probably the new bumfights”…sounds like (thankfully) it is.

        Laughing at retards is mean. Laughing at crackheads? Notsomuch.

  2. Stringmaster says:

    thats the point. they need not be pitied or respected

  3. Farmed says:

    Anyone who doesn’t pity these people is a total asshole.

  4. killer says:

    Im GayKwon Bryant and i like big wanka heads………….

  5. sheeba says:

    Clearly its for the exposure of how many crack addicts there are out there roaming the street. They are just people who have become slaves to their addiction, and it’s showing how a little curiosity can make someone end up like this.

    The point is DONT TRY CRACK.

    Should be easy enough to understand.

  6. jamie says:

    so f*cking sad.

  7. thatguymike says:

    senseless doc but that zoo keeper sure is a character heheheheee! “in the kitchen you eat then shit, eat then shit’ lolrz.

  8. moldylife says:

    “Let’s get one thing straight. Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let’s get THAT straight. Crack is whack.” ~ Whitney

  9. af'ingshame says:

    So sad how someone could make money off someone else’s addiction. A real documentary would have offered solutions or some type of help through the video or at least at the end. Joking off people’s misery is NOT FUNNY!!!

  10. Ronnie Ray Jenkins says:

    This was disappointing to say the least. What I gathered is that it is the wannabe record producer, filming these sad people, and hoping somewhere within there lies a star who could exploit. He better keep looking.

  11. james oneal says:

    whar a wast of humanity because of drugs.

  12. Justice4ALL says:

    So sad the educational system really failed you didn’t it?

  13. Chris K says:

    22 minutes is all I could take. Ostensibly a documentary about Crack, it’s a dull as dishwater demo tape for untalented hacks who think they’re rappers. Maybe it does something else after 22 minutes but damned if I’m hanging around to find out.

  14. GB66 says:

    What a buttload of worthless idiots.

  15. James Hallock says:

    dude with the crip tag has no audio wtf

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