The legendary Manhattan Project: the makers of the Atomic Bombs used on Japan to end World War II. Only one nuclear scientist ever quit the project before completion: Joseph Rotblat.Based
In October 1962, the entire world was on stand by holding its breath because just a few miles from the Florida coast, the two great superpowers were at a stand-off.
These days, if you want to get your message across, you need to think outside the box. This is exactly what Andrew Szabo, an environmental activist and novice kayaker did.
In the closing months of World War II, defeat was imminent for the Germans. The invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944 – D-Day – opened a second Allied front, and the Allies began overtaking a host of German positions; Paris was liberated on August 25; Romania and Bulgaria surrendered in quick succession.
It was Desiderius Erasmus, the great Dutch humanist, who said “Give light and darkness will disappear of itself.” This controversial film brings to light a number of dark practices that are common to what we have come to know as the Government.
From the comfort of your computer, embark on a journey to The Democratic Republic of Congo, notorious for being one of the most dangerous, poorest, and corrupt countries on the planet.
The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. When they flew it for the first time nobody could have predicted that one day there would be over 500,000 people travelling by air at any given moment in time.
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I watched this video on YouTube about a week ago, and I posted this comment on there. However, I’m posting it here too, because I think it’s important that people know what a dirty bomb is and how ineffective/non-dangerous they are…
Usually “dirty bomb” refers to a conventional explosive packed with radioactive gas, and it uses the explosive to disperse the radioactivity (apparently they don’t do a very good job of this either, according to tests conducted by the U.S. military and the Iraqi military in the 1950’s)…
A “dirty bomb” which uses a small, kiloton-range nuclear device to disperse the isotopes, as opposed to a chemical (conventional) explosion, is quite a novel thing indeed…although I’m not sure any such bomb exists. I think Shane was simply mistaken as to what a dirty bomb actually is.
this is fake vice is hit and miss i reckon there source is fake scaremongering at its best and cam is right as well a dirty bomb is ineffective use of radioactive particals sorry if misspelledany words