Europe at the Brink

Europe at the Brink

24 minutes 4.13/10 based on 16 votes

Europe at the Brink is a 2012 short documentary that was produced by the Wall Street Journal. They look at the origins of Europe’s current economic cris, including countries such as Greece. If you want to know more about what’s happening: this is a quick and thorough primer!

This documentary is 23 minutes long. Produced by the Wall Street Journal.

WSJ’s editors and journalists trace the events that lead to the current crisis in Europe.  It also looks at how the crisis has spread across Europe and has spilled out into Asia, Africa, and North America.  With the luxury of hindsight, it is depressingly clear what steps could have greatly helped to avoid the current economic problems in the world.
Greece is receiving a lot of the media’s attention: the country is essentially bankrupt and a once mighty superpower finds itself struggling to afford basic services. It is very sad, but Greece is certainly not the only country to blame for the situation. This will shed some light on the situation and make you sound very knowledgeable at your next dinner party.



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4.13/10 (16 votes)

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