Psychology Documentaries

Japan: The Mystery of the Missing Million

A tragedy is sweeping over Japan at a steady pace.  Hundreds of thousands of young men are turning their backs entirely on society and real life.

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Out of Mind, Out of Sight

Brockville Mental Health Centre is a forensic psychiatric hospital where people who have committed violent crimes are sent to receive treatment for their mental illness.

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In the year 2015, almost 70 people committed suicide every day in Japan. That amounts to a total of 24,025 documented cases.

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Collaboration: On the Edge of a New Paradigm?

This documentary, which was produced and directed by Alfred Birkegaard and Katja Gry Birkegaard Carlsen, explores how the Internet is changing the way in which we do science and create knowledge.

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Alternatives to Incarceration

We’re living at a time in which being homeless, being on drugs, or being mentally ill are crimes that can send you to prison.

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Letting Go

Being the parent of a disabled child can be an uphill battle. As the child grows you are well aware that they don’t posses the skills they need to be able to survive on their own.

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The Art of Deception

It was Aldous Huxley who stated in his book Brave New World that “one believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”

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The Mirror of the Spirit

This compelling documentary reaffirms the power of one of the world’s greatest traditional medicine, ayahuasca.  The film gathers an impressive cast of traditional practitioners, enthusiasts, and Western converts to reveal the essence of the ayahuasca experience.

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When a Mother’s Love is Not Enough

Rosa Monckton has a fourteen-year old daughter with Down syndrome. She has campaigned for over a decade for the rights of disabled children and their families.

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Inside Tourette Syndrome

A Documentary Film About a Misunderstood Syndrome

This film was produced in order to help people to get a better understanding of what it is like for a person to have to live with Tourette syndrome.

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The Lucid Dreamer

Charlie Morley taught himself to lucid dream at the age of 16. As an adult he began practicing Buddhism, then in 2008 he began teaching lucid dreaming.

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Eu Maior (Higher Self)

Eu Maior (Higher Self) is a feature-length Brazilian documentary, with subtitles, that explores self-knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. The filmmakers interview thirty individuals with various backgrounds, including spiritual leaders, intellectuals, artists and professional athletes.

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Conscious Dreaming

Are You Awake?

This documentary written and directed by Maija Koukkari was nominated for a Creative Scotland Student Media Award in 2014. It explores the concept of Conscious Dreaming and follows three beginners as they immerse themselves in the world of lucid dreaming.

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Iboga Nights

In the mid 80s, David Graham Scott started experimenting with film and with drugs. His experiments led him to become an addict with an aimless hollow existence.

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The Hidden Enemy

Inside Psychiatry's Covert Agenda

In spite of the fact that military personnel have access to receiving psychiatric drugs that are allegedly designed to help, there is an average of 23 suicides per day among soldiers in active duty and veterans.

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A Virus Called Fear

A lot of psychologists believe that fear is an innate emotion that exists to trigger the ‘fight or flight’ response. They believe that we are born with the ability to be afraid as a natural reaction because it’s a survival mechanism.

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It was author Cheri Register who said, “The joy and the tragedy co-exist. That is the paradox of adoption and we are all caught up in it.”

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Merchants of Cool

This eye-opening documentary brings up a well-known issue that concerns every parent and teacher alive. Millions of teenagers all over the world are falling prey to the attacks of consumerism and the overwhelming desire to be cool and to fit in.

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How Will We Love?

One of the greatest gifts human beings possess is the capacity to love. We would not be able to survive without it.

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OCD: The War Inside

This feature documentary explores the daily struggles faced by individuals living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The general population still grossly misunderstands this anxiety disorder.

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Life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside

In December of 1968, Apollo 8 went to the moon. When the cameras turned to give viewers a look of Earth, many were touched deeply beyond words.

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Consumed: Inside The Belly of the Beast

What’s the hidden motive behind all your purchases? According to Geoffrey Miller, professor of psychology, humans seem to have gone collectively psychotic.  

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Saving 10,000 – Winning a War on Suicide in Japan

There’s an enemy at work in Japan. Around 300,000 people made the decision to end their lives through suicide in the last ten years.

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The Chemistry of Addictions

In this documentary Hank describes how our brains respond biochemically to various addictive substances and behaviors and how those behaviors originate.

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