The Seed Vault

The Seed Vault

17 minutes 2017 9.38/10 based on 32 votes

Nestled in the frozen Norwegian landscape lies the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It can be described as a library of life with an incomplete catalog.

The Seed Vault holds over 880,000 seed samples. It is the largest collection in the world and it’s crucial to human survival. Because of our changing environment and the pressures of an ever-growing population, agriculture biodiversity is at risk of decline. This fact makes the vault one of the most important buildings in the world. The seeds that are kept in the vault represent the history of agriculture and the experiences that crops have had for the last 12,000 to15,000 years.

Our crops are some of the first things that will experience climate change and they are not adapted to conditions they have never experienced before. This means that their survival depends on how willing we are to act quickly.

Extinction is not about the last individual dying. It’s about a species losing its ability to evolve. Just within the last 100 years about 93% of known fruit and vegetable varieties in the U.S. have started to disappear. One example of this is the Magnum Bonum apple that very few people have ever heard of because only a handful of trees still exist. Another example is carrots that come in a variety of colors such as yellow, red, white, and even purple.

The solution is to get climate-ready crops in the field as quickly as possible because if agriculture doesn’t adapt to climate change, none of us will either. We need to secure a source of food for people and animals.

All it really takes is to act wisely and make this a priority. So far not a single government on earth has placed this on its agenda. They all seem to be funding other projects that won’t really solve world problems. So then it’s up to the general public to become educated and demand that their leaders take action today. Watch this thought-provoking film now.

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