This documentary, filmed over a 10 year period, revolves around the life of Robert T. Edison, a Buddhist monk in Thailand, originally from Nottingham, England, that decides to revisit the “normal” world after practicing Buddhism and living in monasteries for over a decade.
Aaron Swartz was a programmer, writer, and involved in activism that helped shape the Internet. A few of his major contributions he’s made to the technology world are, but not limited to, the invention of RSS feeds, the conceptualization of the Creative Commons, and his involvement in the popular social news site Reddit.
The word griot is a noun that means a member of a class of traveling poets, musicians and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.
This film tells the story of one of the most popular video games of all times, Minecraft. The documentary profiles the first year of Mojang, the studio that created the hugely successful computer game Minecraft.
Since 1995, Arjan Roskam and his head breeder, Franco Loja, have been producing some of the most well-known strains of marijuana out of their sophisticated lab in Amsterdam.
In this documentary, directed by filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, we learn the Buddha’s story. The story starts 2500 years ago in India where there lived a sage whose story inspired the world’s fourth largest religion.
At a height of 29,028 feet (8,848 meters), Mount Everest is the highest mountain on our planet. It is located in the Himalayas and sits on the border between China and Nepal.
Get acquainted with the fight sport known as Muay Thai, the national sport of Thailand, in this hour-long documentary film. Thai Boxing: A Fighting Chance, originally filmed in 2002 and narrated by British actor Jason Statham, takes us on a voyage to Thailand, the Land of Smiles, to learn about Muay Thai and what it means to those that practice it.
In this documentary, Rebounds, we follow the careers of two basketball players who have been humbled after receiving the news that they have not made it to the NBA.
NOVA is a full length documentary on contemporary art and the artists behind it. In Brazil, the Nova Contemporary Culture, a month long festival to celebrate young innovative artists, brings together 140 of the world’s most talented and brilliant minds in the contemporary art world.