Kim Dotcom is a larger-than-life controversial Internet entrepreneur. It has been reported that he made $175 million dollars with his file sharing website Megaupload.
This film tells the story of one of the most popular video games of all times, Minecraft. The documentary profiles the first year of Mojang, the studio that created the hugely successful computer game Minecraft.
This documentary is made up of five episodes that analyze the ongoing Euro crisis. When the Euro was launched there were high hopes for all but today we can see that the plan failed miserably.
Net neutrality is a topic that makes many headlines but is often not fully understood. How does net neutrality affect our lives and do we really need to be that concerned?
What’s the hidden motive behind all your purchases? According to Geoffrey Miller, professor of psychology, humans seem to have gone collectively psychotic.
The world’s oldest profession has modernized; it has moved online and indoors. In this National Geographic documentary, take a behind-the-scenes look at the supply and demands of the American escort industry.
Directed by Simon Klose TPB AFK (The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard) begins the day prior to the trial of the co-founders of the world’s largest file sharing site, The Pirate Bay.
Athene has come up with a theory about everything: philosophy, physics, chemistry – both between humans and objects. This is a fascinating theory that draws from numerous fields of study.
Steve Jobs died in early October of 2011, but not before re-inventing the personal computer, the animation film industry, the music industry, the phone industry, etc, etc.
A Remarkable talk by Carnegie Mellon Professor and ex Disney Imagineer Jesse Schell. He looks at the phenomena of Facebook and argues that life does not end with Facebook: it mutates.
Europe at the Brink is a 2012 short documentary that was produced by the Wall Street Journal. They look at the origins of Europe’s current economic cris, including countries such as Greece.
Ian Hislop presents an entertaining and provocative film about the colourful Victorian financiers whose spectacular philanthropy shows that banking wasn’t always associated with greed or self-serving financial recklessness.
Quants are the math wizards and computer programmers in the engine room of our global financial system who designed the financial products that almost crashed Wall Street.