This film by Plus M Productions and Protect Our Winters was created with the sole purpose of activating communities to rethink fossil fuels and their negative impact on the climate and the environment.
Frederick Douglass said that power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. The world hasn’t ended, but the world as we know it, certainly has.
Pigs are extremely intelligent animals. Much like humans, they have their own personalities, quirks, likes and dislikes. Pigs pick up tricks faster than dogs and can even learn to respond to their names when called.
Imagine being a nine-year old girl and having to wake up every morning at 5:00 a.m. to walk into the dark forest to fetch firewood.
VICE is a documentary TV series that travels the world to uncover some of the most intriguing, often controversial, topics that often go uncovered by the mainstream media.
The modern way of life has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuel, although surprising amounts of people take this fact for granted.
Deep in the jungles of northern Borneo, Malaysia, lies a small village. It’s the last portion of untouched rainforest left in the country.
In August of 1974, Dr. Jacque Fresco was a guest on The Larry King Show. Dr. Fresco was then introduced as a social engineer, industrial engineer, designer, inventor, consultant, and copywriter, among numerous other titles.
This film by Lars Johansson is about Shell and the Niger Delta, a vast swamp in Nigeria where the River Niger meets the Atlantic Ocean.
The ten hottest years that have ever been measured have all occurred in the last fourteen years. Global warming is the world’s current greatest concern; it’s real and humans are most certainly to blame because industrial civilization has caused irreparable damage.
There is no doubt that humans need nature. It is absolutely essential for our daily lives. Some people are now realizing that it’s possible to have nature all around us, even if we live in the city, because natural environments can be easily designed into urban communities.
In the ocean we can find the answer to many of our questions about life as we know it, because it is there that life itself seems to have begun.
A keystone species is a species that is essential to the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole. Such a species supports the entire interdependent network of life because other animals simply cannot live without it.
Very often we are shocked by the magnitude of some of the problems we hear about on the news. Mostly the shock is produced by reports of environmental problems caused by our own greed and total disregard for our planet and the living things that share it with us.
In much the same way as an operator’s manual gives you important information regarding your car or refrigerator, Earth Science can do the same for the planet.
This is a film about discrimination and greed and about what happens when keeping up appearances is no longer necessary. The first thing you notice about Sarnia, Ontario is the smell.
The Crisis of Civilization is a feature-length documentary that examines the major crisis that we are facing in the contemporary world.
Imagine waking up all alone in your hometown. Your village was evacuated and everybody left… except you. In this thought-provoking documentary, listen to the reasons why one farmer, Naoto Matsumura, chose to stay in the ghost town of Tomioka, Fukushima, Japan, in spite of the radiation, and in spite of the painful loneliness.
“Back to Eden” is a full feature documentary investigating a simple organic gardening method that may hold the solution to the complex agricultural issues faced today.
In today’s supermarkets, you’d be hard-pressed to find food that didn’t contain some form of genetically modified substances. These genetically modified substances’ effects on our health are completely unknown and Big Industry players such as Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta, are essentially exposing us to one of the largest and dangerous science experiments ever conducted on our civilization.
Emerson Rosenthal boldly travels across the country to investigate what exactly is the cause of the fresh water crisis that is threatening the health and well-being of citizens of the United States.
This time Michael from VSauce explores the concept of temperature and heat in this incredibly interesting documentary. We’ve all heard of absolute zero– the theoretically lowest possible temperature.
anOther Story Of Progress is a Do-It-Yourself documentary based on the anarcho-primitivist idea that humanity took a wrong turn with domestication and agriculture, leading to the chaotic situation of today with rampant environmental destruction and suffering.