Health Documentaries

Fuming Felix

How Decades of Illegal Dumping Poisoned Italian Land and People

Campania is a scenic region located in southwestern Italy. The place is famous for the historic city of Naples, Mount Vesuvius, and its mouth-watering food..

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The Darker Side of America’s Mental Health

People who are struggling with depression are usually willing to do whatever it takes to find some relief. Many people believe that pharmaceutical companies prey on this to be able to sell more medicine and hence make more money.

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Code Therapy

Code Therapy is a documentary that explores how technology can give relief to those who suffer from mental health issues. It’s a relatively new field that has blossomed in the last few years.

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Johnny Physical Lives

Jonathan Adam Neuman began dreaming about becoming a rock star back in the days of the mix tapes. He loved listening to Buddy Holly’s songs.

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Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat

How many of the health problems that we are witnessing today are the result of our modern food culture? With all the advancements in medicine, people should be healthier now than ever before, however it seems like exactly the opposite is the case. 

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Inferno Village

This documentary tells the story of an unbelievable occurrence that has been going on for about a century or so. The village of Jharia in India is located right on a coalfield where an underground fire started in 1916— a hundred years ago, and hasn’t stopped burning yet.

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Letting You Go

This film presents the painful reality of those who have to struggle with mental disease every day. Most of the times medications have little to no effect and the patients are left hanging on to sanity by the fingernails.

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Out of Mind, Out of Sight

Brockville Mental Health Centre is a forensic psychiatric hospital where people who have committed violent crimes are sent to receive treatment for their mental illness.

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Way Beyond Weight

Who is responsible for raising a healthy child? It’s obvious that humanity is facing a huge problem these days: kids are much heavier than they should be.

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Fix it: Healthcare At the Tipping Point

In the last ten years, the premiums for healthcare costs have doubled. No other expense has seen that great an increase over the same length of time.

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Greening The Revolution

Dom Heder, Brazilian Archbishop, once said ‘When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.’

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Sleepy Hollow, Kazakhstan

A sleep epidemic swept over Kalachi for about three years. The causes remained unknown for a long time even though quite a few scientists worked tirelessly to come up with possible reasons for this condition.

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Northwest Trees

On July 8th, 2014 Washington began offering the sale of recreational marijuana. A few months later in October of 2015, Oregon followed suit and began to offer the same service.

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Letting Go

Being the parent of a disabled child can be an uphill battle. As the child grows you are well aware that they don’t posses the skills they need to be able to survive on their own.

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When a Mother’s Love is Not Enough

Rosa Monckton has a fourteen-year old daughter with Down syndrome. She has campaigned for over a decade for the rights of disabled children and their families.

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Here’s to Flint

According to the Michigan Public Act 436 of 2012, the State can take over financially struggling cities by handing over full authority to an appointed emergency manager.

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A Story of a Graveyard for Electronics... And People

It’s true what they say: One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. You wouldn’t believe where most of your discarded electronic goods end up.

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Undrinkable: The Flint Water Emergency

The people who live in the city of Flint, Michigan have been through a lot in the last few the years; including extreme poverty and being labeled the most dangerous city in America.

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Gluten: A Gut Feeling

Gluten has become the new dietary enemy as more people are eliminating wheat and grains from their diets, in pursuit of better health.

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The Scientist

The Story of Dr. Raphael Mechoulam and the Endocannabinoid System

This is a documentary that traces the personal story of Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Mechoulam. He was born in Bulgaria and grew up during the war.

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The Brain that Changes Itself

We’ve all heard the saying ’you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. Well scientists are proving this old adage to be absolutely wrong.

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The Secrets of Sugar

For years we’ve been warned about the dangers of eating too much fat or too much salt. Most people try to be conscious of this when grocery shopping.

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Robert’s Story: Dying with Dignity

Robert Schwartz is dying from AIDS at the age of 50. He’s had many complications and many close calls in the last ten years.

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Pigs are extremely intelligent animals. Much like humans, they have their own personalities, quirks, likes and dislikes. Pigs pick up tricks faster than dogs and can even learn to respond to their names when called.

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