Religion Documentaries

Scared Sacred

Scared Sacred is a feature-length film written, directed, and narrated by Velcrow Ripper. This documentary takes us on a five-year journey to the “Ground Zeros” of the world in search of hope and meaning.

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The Buddha

The Story of Siddhartha

In this documentary, directed by filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, we learn the Buddha’s story. The story starts 2500 years ago in India where there lived a sage whose story inspired the world’s fourth largest religion.

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Female Suicide Bombers

What would compel a woman to strap on a bomb, kill herself, and take the lives of innocent by-standers? Meet the newest weapons of terror: female suicide bombers.

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Investigating the Haitian Zombie

We’ve all heard about the Haitian zombies. What most of us didn’t know is that zombification can be an induced state.

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Hollywood’s Most Secretive Religious Relic: E-Meter Testing

Join Rocco Castoro as he heads out to Union Square and gives random passersby E-meter readings to determine their spiritual and moral fiber.

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The Road To Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary

At we like to show you challenging videos about religion. Often, these take the shape of challenges to religion and we have a muscular section devoted to people such as Richard Dawkins, Atheism, Christopher Hitchens, etc.

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Athene’s Theory of EVERYTHING

Athene has come up with a theory about everything: philosophy, physics, chemistry – both between humans and objects. This is a fascinating theory that draws from numerous fields of study.

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Israel – The Enemy Within?

Israel’s history has been dominated by violence. Israelis are scared of foreign threats – but do their internal tensions post a larger threat to the future of Israel?

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Prostitutes of God

In India, many daughters are sold into slavery prostitution. This usually happens when a girl reaches the age of 10 and is considered to be old enough to start career in prostitution.

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Attack of the Drones

The American government relies more and more often on robots to do their fighting. Starting with Operation Desert Storm, many wars are fought from a distance.

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From Christian to Atheist

From Christian to Atheist is one man’s journey away from Faith and towards what he calls ‘the truth.’ This documentary is a very rough cut of a more ambitious future project.

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Faith School Menace

Richard Dawkins takes on faith based schools in Britain.  Around one in every three publicly funded schools in the UK have a religious affiliation.

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The Nuremberg Trials

April 19th, 2012 is Holocaust Memorial Day. Today we are presenting a 1950 documentary about the Nuremberg Trials. The trials were held in 1945-47 to try the highest ranking Nazis against crimes of humanity.

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Muhammad Ali: The Greatest

Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. You better watch out because he’s Muhammad Ali. A full-length documentary about the self appointed “greatest.”

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Anything but an Atheist

A short and interesting documentary on the social effects of atheism and the repercussions that can come about due to the admission of being atheist in the United States.

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KONY 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous

Kony 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous has been released. DocumentaryStorm is the first to bring you the official response from the creators of the documentary and campaign.

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Focus on Maldives: Wedding TV

Focus on Maldives is from Wedding TV and is part of a series that showcases beautiful places for destination weddings. It features interviews with important industry insiders and takes viewers to some of the most amazing destination wedding venues in the world. 

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Soldier Child

Josephy Kony has now been made famous.  While many have qualms with the organization that produced “Kony 2012,” or the footage used in the documentary, nobody contests to Kony’s guilt.

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Charles Manson Then and Now

Charles Manson was jailed in 1970 after leading a cult of followers and murdering innocent victims, including the wife and unborn child of Hollywood director Roman Polanski. 

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The Shape of the Future

The constant war in Israel/Palestine breaks my heart. I have my own opinions, but rather than take sides and get caught up in a debate that seems to have no end in sight: I will take this opportunity to present a documentary that has one goal in mind: PEACE.

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Gandhi’s Children

Gandhi’s Children is not a documentary about Gandhi’s next of kin. It is a documentary about his legacy: on India. It is a documentary about where the children of India find themselves today: many decades after Gandhi’s assassination.

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Voodoo: Mounted by the Gods

A glimpse into the world of Voodoo, this companion to a documentary by Wim Wenders presents photographs and film stills by celebrated photojournalist, Alberto Venzago.

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The Bedroom Commandments

Since the dawn of consciousness humans have searched for a belief system. We want to know, ‘How should I live?’ ‘Why is the world like this?’

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Derren Brown: Miracles for Sale

With the cameras in hot pursuit, Derren faces his toughest project yet, going in search of an unsuspecting member of the British public prepared to adopt the guise of a pastor and miracle worker.

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