Governments Documentaries


Uncovering the European Union

Euromania is a film produced by Peter Vlemmix in which he voices his personal concerns over losing his beloved Holland to the European Union and investigates what being part of the E.U.

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This film by Steve Cowan explores what it takes to stay in a political office and the impact that money has on the elected leaders.  

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Legalize Democracy

Democracy is in trouble and there are many signs to prove this. According to David Cobb of the  Move to Amend Leadership Team, democracy is not a noun, it’s a verb.

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Counter-intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations

It was Desiderius Erasmus, the great Dutch humanist, who said “Give light and darkness will disappear of itself.” This  controversial film brings to light a number of dark practices that are common to what we have come to know as the Government.

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Buy Buy Europe

This documentary is made up of five episodes that analyze the ongoing Euro crisis. When the Euro was launched there were high hopes for all but today we can see that the plan failed miserably.

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As technology advances our privacy is disappearing. This documentary, Panopticon, explores just how much our personal lives are being affected by the usage of invasive technology to monitor us.

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The Crisis of Civilization

The Crisis of Civilization is a feature-length documentary that examines the major crisis that we are facing in the contemporary world.

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Propaganda is a viral documentary film that blurs the line between reality, fiction and persuasion. Suggesting what might be a fictionalized premise that the film was presented to a translator from possible defectors from North Korea, the film is apparently a work of propaganda aimed against western society and culture as a means of bolstering the strength of the DPRK.

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Naked Citizens

Can you imagine waking up one day to a banging at your door and being escorted by armed men to a prison because you were suspected of being a terrorist?

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Documenting Mexico's Most Violent Crimes

There is a cop killed almost everyday in Mexico City: one of the largest and most violent cities in the world.

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The Vice Guide To Liberia

Liberia has been ravaged by civil war for the past 14 years and is rotting from the inside out, plagued by teenage prostitution, murder, and drug addiction.

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Rise Like Lions

Following the popular documentary about “The Power Principle,” we bring you RISE LIKE LIONS: a documentary from the same organization that looks at the Occupy Movement of 2011 and 2012.

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The Shape of the Future

The constant war in Israel/Palestine breaks my heart. I have my own opinions, but rather than take sides and get caught up in a debate that seems to have no end in sight: I will take this opportunity to present a documentary that has one goal in mind: PEACE.

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Europe at the Brink

Europe at the Brink is a 2012 short documentary that was produced by the Wall Street Journal. They look at the origins of Europe’s current economic cris, including countries such as Greece.

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Obama: The Road We’ve Traveled

The Road We Traveled is an OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY put out by President Barack Obama to help get himself re-elected. As such, this documentary has a serious agenda and begs the question: propaganda or inspired truth?

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The Vice Guide to The Congo

From the comfort of your computer, embark on a journey to The Democratic Republic of Congo, notorious for being one of the most dangerous, poorest, and corrupt countries on the planet.

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The Vice Guide to North Korea

Getting into North Korea was one of the hardest and weirdest processes VBS has ever dealt with. After we went back and forth with their representatives for months, North Korea officials finally said they were going to allow 16 journalists into the country to cover the Arirang Mass Games in Pyongyang.

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Iran and the West

The Man Who Changed the World Militant Islam enjoyed its first modern triumph with the arrival in power of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in 1979.

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