It was Desiderius Erasmus, the great Dutch humanist, who said “Give light and darkness will disappear of itself.” This controversial film brings to light a number of dark practices that are common to what we have come to know as the Government.
Kim Dotcom is a larger-than-life controversial Internet entrepreneur. It has been reported that he made $175 million dollars with his file sharing website Megaupload.
Filmed in 2002, this documentary provides an inside look at Thailand’s notorious nightlife through the eyes of one of the thousands of young women who work the scene.
The world’s oldest profession has modernized; it has moved online and indoors. In this National Geographic documentary, take a behind-the-scenes look at the supply and demands of the American escort industry.
Directed by Simon Klose TPB AFK (The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard) begins the day prior to the trial of the co-founders of the world’s largest file sharing site, The Pirate Bay.
Filmmakers Marc Levin and Daphne Pinkerson return to Little Rock, Arkansas ten years after filming Gang War: Bangin’ in Little Rock, to revisit gang war survivor Leifel Jackson, onetime leader of The Original Gangster Crips, as he is released from prison.
In this documentary, former undercover DEA agent Celerino Castillo III shares how he helped train death squads, participated in search and destroy missions, and blew up cocaine labs.
Join DocumentaryStorm, Tony Harris, and Al Jazeera as we go into Baltimore, into the inner city, into the classrooms, and into the head of black boys of America.
Julian Assange stood up to the most powerful country in history and made them bow their heads in shame. He humiliated America and then faced their wrath.
In India, many daughters are sold into slavery prostitution. This usually happens when a girl reaches the age of 10 and is considered to be old enough to start career in prostitution.
This powerful film goes in search of answers to a 24-year-old mystery. In the only TV interview Megrahi has ever given about his case, he claims new evidence will prove him innocent.
Liberia has been ravaged by civil war for the past 14 years and is rotting from the inside out, plagued by teenage prostitution, murder, and drug addiction.
This take-no-prisoners (please excuse the pun) exposé of William Sampson’s time in a Saudi Arabia prison looks at the most jarring aspect of his treatment: he is clearly innocent.
RIP! A Remix Manifesto, being officially backed up by the Canadian government, you will be astounded by what you see and what is openly discussed in this picture.
April 19th, 2012 is Holocaust Memorial Day. Today we are presenting a 1950 documentary about the Nuremberg Trials. The trials were held in 1945-47 to try the highest ranking Nazis against crimes of humanity.
Despite having just lived through the bloodiest decade in human history (many did not live through it), MIT linguistic, biologist, and psychologist Steven Pinker believes that we are living in the most peaceful time in our species’ history.
This is the remarkable story of Naseema, who at a young age was abandoned from both her mother and father. She was taken in and raised by a woman she calls her ‘grandmother’.
Josephy Kony has now been made famous. While many have qualms with the organization that produced “Kony 2012,” or the footage used in the documentary, nobody contests to Kony’s guilt.
Charles Manson was jailed in 1970 after leading a cult of followers and murdering innocent victims, including the wife and unborn child of Hollywood director Roman Polanski.